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Your Soul’s Plan
Discovering The Real Meaning Of The Life You Planned Before You Were Born

Author: Robert Schwartz
SKU: 978-93-82742-54-8

599.00 299.50

So often, when something “bad” happens, it may appear to be meaningless suffering. But what if your most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose…
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So often, when something “bad” happens, it may appear to be meaningless suffering. But what if your most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose, which you yourself planned before you were born? Could it be that you chose your life’s circumstances, relationships, and events? Within the pages of ‘Your Soul’s Plan’ book, you’ll find stories of ten individuals who, like you, planned before birth to experience great challenges. Working with four gifted mediums and channels, author Robert Schwartz discovers what they chose — and why. Readers often refer to Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz as a transformative guide to understanding life’s purpose.

Through these remarkable stories of pre-birth planning, you can:
• Learn why each of us decides to experience such challenges as illness, difficult relationships, the death of a loved one, and accidents
• Understand how you as a soul create your life blueprint
• Consciously use your challenges to foster spiritual growth and healing

Your Soul’s Plan book reveals profound insights into pre-birth choices and their significance for personal growth. Whether you are seeking understanding or healing, this book offers guidance that empowers readers to view their challenges through a spiritual lens. Many have found Your Soul’s Plan Robert Schwartz to be a compelling resource for exploring life’s deeper meaning.

Robert Schwartz’s Your Soul’s Plan has been praised for its ability to connect readers to their inner selves and provide clarity on life’s challenges. Order Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz today and embark on a journey to uncover the spiritual blueprint of your life. This book continues to inspire readers worldwide as they discover the hidden purposes behind their experiences.

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Weight 0.5 kg
Book Author






5.5” X 8.5”



15 reviews for Your Soul’s Plan
Discovering The Real Meaning Of The Life You Planned Before You Were Born

  1. yogiimpression

    “The more we know about the meaning of life, the better we understand the important choices we must make. Robert Schwartz has done an excellent job of presenting the possible explanations of what we are doing here and why we are here. I highly recommend this book.”

    — Dannion Brinkley, author of Secrets of the Light: Lessons from Heaven

  2. yogiimpression

    “A deeply insightful guide as to why our lives unfold as they do and how to direct them to a deeper place. A powerful book … I highly recommend it.”

    — Sonia Choquette, author of The Answer Is Simple … Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!

  3. yogiimpression

    “One of the most detailed explorations I have seen into understanding why we have chosen certain paths in our lives and how we may use that information to continue our journey as a soul here and now. This book will help thousands of people. A book you have to have in your library!”

    — John Holland, author of Power of the Soul: Inside Wisdom for an Outside World

  4. yogiimpression

    “Robert Schwartz has finally given us what we have all been waiting for—solid corroboration of our long-held suspicion that the circumstances of our lives are pre-planned and the outcomes of agreements made between souls prior to incarnation…. Thank you, Robert, for your commitment to revealing the truth in a way that should convince all but the most skeptical.”

    — Colin Tipping, author of Radical Forgiveness

  5. yogiimpression

    “Your Soul’s Plan is highly recommended to anyone trying to understand the suffering, tragedy, or loss that has caused them to question life, death, and/or God. And who among us is not aflicted by such challenges and questions in our lifetime? In my eight years researching life after death, spirituality, and life purpose, I have discovered no better explanation of why human challenges exist than what is so eloquently written in Robert Schwartz’s book.”

    — Bob Olson, editor, of OfSpirit.com

  6. yogiimpression

    “I was enthralled by Your Soul’s Plan and thought it a fascinating and inspiring book. It took my understanding of pre-birth planning to a much deeper level.”

    — Diana Cooper, author of Discover Atlantis

  7. yogiimpression

    “Robert Schwartz offers a clear rationale for life’s difficulties and a way to appreciate and resolve them. Your Soul’s Plan ranks among the best materials from Neale Donald Walsch and Esther and Jerry Hicks. It is simply one of the most important books I have ever read, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.”

    — Dean Shrock, PhD, author of Doctor’s Orders: Go Fishing

  8. yogiimpression

    “Can you imagine the shift that could occur if, instead of feeling punished or victimized or self-pity for being unable to hear, your deafness created an opportunity to more clearly recognize yourself, and everyone else, as love? You might look at a homeless person asking for money on the corner in a much different light. You might notice the dissolution of the usual judgments you hold around the poor, the obese, the drug-addicted, the foreign-born, the religious fundamentalist, and even yourself. You might begin to see yourself as the courageous, light-filled spirit you truly are.… This book inspired me.”

    — Tedi Elliott, The Bleeping Herald

  9. yogiimpression

    “In Your Soul’s Plan Robert Schwartz elegantly achieves what is quite rare in the broad field of spiritual development/personal growth— with compassion, understanding, and clarity, he speaks to the very root of what motivates and challenges us in our lifetimes. Read this book to gain clarity on the forces that may be underlying the design of your life path!”

    — Julia Mossbridge, PhD, author of Unfolding: The Perpetual Science of Your Soul’s Work

  10. yogiimpression

    “[Robert Schwartz is] a healer with pen in hand. His work is based in healing spiritual wisdom and is awe-inspiring. Read Your Soul’s Plan. You will find yourself examining your life and finding meaning in the most unlikely places.”

    — Kahu Fred Sterling, host of The Great Shift radio show

  11. yogiimpression

    “It is one of the best books of this kind I have come across.”

    — Anna Jedrziewski, New Age Retailer

  12. yogiimpression

    “Schwartz’s research is a life-affirming exercise that shows we direct our soul learning and aren’t hapless victims of the vagaries of fate.”

    — Ruth Parnell, NEXUS Magazine

  13. yogiimpression

    “Your Soul’s Plan is eye-opening in its clarity. It answers questions about the unique twists and turns of our lives … Robert Schwartz has written an important book.”

    — Maureen Moss, author of Commitment to Love: Transforming Human Nature into Divine Nature and The Nature of Bliss

  14. yogiimpression

    “As an editor who reads countless books in the spirituality and New Age genres, I assign very few a permanent place in my personal library. Your Soul’s Plan is one of those few. If you’re trying to put the puzzle together, this book will provide one piece—one very important piece—you don’t want to miss.”

    — Sandie Sedgbeer, conscious parenting advocate and editor of PlanetLightworker.com and Children of the New Earth Magazine

  15. yogiimpression

    “This is a ‘must-read’ … If you are a soul seeker, this book will resonate Truth deep within your hidden memories.”

    — Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review

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