Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch

Conversations with God: Book 1 is a religious, self-help book that has been changing lives for over a decade. Neale Donald Walsch asks readers that if they could speak with God, what would they ask Him? He says that he had this opportunity presented to him, and it is possible for anyone to converse with God, who provides clear answers about anything from love to death.

Walsch was going through a low period in his life when he had decided to write a letter to God without actually expecting a response. As he wrote the letters, he kept receiving extraordinary answers to his questions. This book presents the very answers that he received, which helped him to change himself, his life, and the way he saw everyone else.

It puts forward the view that words are not the decisive truth; they are rather symbols which are open to interpretations. Readers should consult their own feelings to determine their own truth. The book looks at getting the readers to take dictation from God. There is a dialogue taking between God and people all the time. The question isn’t who God talks to, but who listens to Him. Yogi Impressions now brings you the Hindi Edition of this best-selling book titled ‘Ishwar Ke Saath Baatchit – Conversations With God Book 1 In Hindi’.

Books By Neale Donald Walsch