Yogi Impressions is based in Mumbai, India. Our present focus in publishing is across these categories: personal growth, self-improvement, spirituality, non-duality, mythology, paranormal, tarot, biography, mental health, parenting, health and wellness, alternative health, enlightened business, multicultural studies, and also children’s books. We do not publish poetry. You are requested not to submit work that does not fit these categories. Our works appeal to a wide audience.
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure it is error-free in terms of grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. Manuscripts that do not conform to these basic requirements will not warrant our attention. Please address your work to the ‘Submissions Editor’.
1. Include a synopsis of the book and a table of contents, three sample chapters, or the complete manuscript. (We prefer receiving the complete manuscript.)
2. Say something about yourself and your qualifications to write this book (author credentials/biographical information).
3. What are the similar books already published?
4. How have those books sold (note any bestseller lists, awards, Amazon.com ranking, etc.)?
5. How is your book different from and better than those books?
6. How would you promote your book – through social media, electronic media, print, TV, radio, bookstore readings/events, etc.
7. Endorsements you will obtain for the book.
8. How do you plan to publicize your book?
9. If you have a website, please submit the URL and also your social media handles.
10. What number of copies would you be able to sell directly through your seminars, online sessions, etc.?
If you are sending a hard copy of your manuscript, please note: we will not be responsible for lost or misdirected manuscripts, photos, or artwork, hence we request you not to submit originals. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to the manuscript while it remains in our possession, although we take great care in handling and storage.
It usually takes twelve weeks before we can respond to the work submitted to us. Kindly be patient as publishing houses are working on several projects simultaneously. If you do not here from us within this time-frame, it means we would not be able to assist you with the publishing of the manuscript. Please do not call regarding the status of proposals.
We appreciate your patience and thank you for considering us as a prospective publisher of your work. Kindly send your manuscripts, addressed to the ‘Submissions Editor’ at the following address:
Yogi Impressions LLP
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005, India.