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Peace And Harmony In Daily Living
Facing Life Moment To Moment, Being Anchored In Tranquility

SKU: 978-93-88677-17-2


Ramesh Balsekar says that, at some time or the other, each one of us has had a taste of what that is: an uninterrupted experience of peace and harmony.
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Even if you have all the success, fame, and money you want, and the good health to enjoy it – are you truly happy and fulfilled? Why is it that we find ourselves constantly seeking something more from life? Ramesh Balsekar’s book, Peace and Harmony in Daily Living, provides profound insights on how to get peace in life and experience living in peace and harmony in your daily life.

Living in peace and harmony is not just a distant goal but something that each one of us has already tasted at some point: an uninterrupted experience of peace and harmony. Harmony living becomes achievable when we follow Balsekar’s guidance to transform this fleeting experience into a permanent state of tranquility, no matter the circumstances.

A simple examination of one’s personal experience will reveal that what usually disrupts the peace and harmony in life is a thought about something we think we – or someone else – should or shouldn’t have done. Hence, a massive load of guilt and shame for oneself, or hatred and malice for the other, is perpetuated. Peace and harmony book reveals that, by simply investigating one’s own experience, it is possible to get relief from this bondage.

What mystics have said for ages is here viewed from the perspective of modern living: that actions are ‘happenings’ and not something ‘done’ by someone. This understanding is pivotal for those seeking peace and harmony in their daily lives. This profound understanding is the key to achieving and maintaining a state of equanimity, a core aspect of living in peace and tranquility.

Moreover, Balsekar presents a peace and harmony summary that encapsulates the essence of his teachings. Living in peace and harmony becomes attainable by realizing that peace is not something to be achieved but rather uncovered from within. When we understand that our actions and those of others are simply happenings, we can let go of the need to judge or control outcomes, leading to a state of peace and harmony.

Try it, and you will see how simple it really is. Harmony daily practices can help you uncover this inner tranquility. Living in peace and harmony is possible for everyone, and Balsekar’s insights offer a clear path to achieving this in our everyday lives.

Author: Ramesh Balsekar

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Weight 0.5 kg
Book Author






5.5” X 8.5”



1 review for Peace And Harmony In Daily Living
Facing Life Moment To Moment, Being Anchored In Tranquility

  1. yogiimpression

    “While having benefited from the guidance and practices of one particular ‘spiritual path’ for 10 years, my unexpected meeting with Ramesh and his concepts brought immediate relief and resolution to the confusion and conflicts which had been gnawing away for over a year while still living in an ashram … Ramesh is clearly not unduly concerned about ‘selling’ his concept, whether it is accepted or not. His primary concern is that the seeker should understand the concept thoroughly, without any confusion, in all its aspects.”

    Susan Waterman, Mumbai, India July, 2002

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