Kris Brandt Riske
Kris Brandt Riske, M.A., is executive director and a professional member of the American Federationof Astrologers, the oldest U.S. astrological organization, founded in 1938. She is also a memberof the NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) and served on its board of directors.Kris has been a speaker at various astrological conferences and has written for several astrological publications. She currently writes for Llewellyn’s Sun Sign Book, Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book, and American Media. Kris is also the author of Mapping Your Future and Mapping Your Money and co-author of Mapping Your Travels & Relocation. She is particularly interested in astrometeorology (astrological weather forecasting) and is the author of Astrometeorology: Planetary Power in Weather Forecasting and the annual weather forecast published in Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book.Kris is an avid stock car (NASCAR) fan, although she’d rather be driving than watching. She also enjoys gardening, needlework, and computer gaming. An Illinois native, Kris has a master’sdegree in journalism and is a Chinese language student.